Pollution prevention and control permits

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Integrated pollution prevention and control (Part A2)

DescriptionThe Council issues permits to businesses who wish to operate potentially polluting equipment or installations. These are categorised into Part 'A2' or 'B' installations, as prescribed by the Act. Any new business will usually be asked to apply for one of these permits during the planning application stage and must have a permit before they can operate.
RegulationsThe Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000

Pollution prevention and control permit (Part A2) application form

Pollution prevention and control permit (Part A2 SED) application form for those installations where one or more activities fall under the Solvent Emissions Directive

Further informationFor further information please visit the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs website regarding Local Authorities and Pollution Prevention and Control or see our industrial processes pages.


Air pollution prevention and control (Part B)

DescriptionThe Council issues permits to businesses who wish to operate potentially polluting equipment or installations. These are categorised into Part 'A2' or 'B' installations, as prescribed by the Act. Any new business will usually be asked to apply for one of these permits during the planning application stage and must have a permit before they can operate.
RegulationsThe Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000

Air pollution prevention and control permit (Part B) application form

Air pollution prevention and control permit (Part B) variation form - complete if you already have a part B permit but wish to update the conditions of your permit or make a change to your installation

Air pollution prevention and control permit (Part B SED) application form for those installations where one or more activities fall under the Solvent Emissions Directive

Unloading of petrol into storage at petrol stations permit (Part B) application form

Permit to operate a dry cleaning process (Part B) application form

Licence feeThe latest DEFRA PPC fees and charges scheme (2017/2018)
Further informationFor further information please visit the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs website regarding Local Authorities and Pollution Prevention and Control or see our industrial processes pages.