Apply for a premises licence: step by step

How to apply for a premises licence, allowing premises' to provide late night refreshments, regulated entertainment and to sell alcohol.

  1. Before you apply

    What you need to know before you apply for a premises licence and who can apply.

  2. Submit an application

    How to apply for a premises licence, including information and evidence you need to provide.

  3. Fees

    Fees for new premises licence applications and for changes to existing premises licences. 

  4. Premises plan

    Details of what your premises plan should include. 

  5. Operating schedule

    How to submit your operating schedule, detailing all licensable activities to be carried out on the premises.

  6. After you apply

    What happens after we receive your application, including the 28-day consultation period and advertising your application. 

  7. Licensing conditions

    Mandatory licensing conditions for a premises licence.