Public green spaces and vegetation

Our green spaces include parks, countryside, play areas, playing fields and bowling greens. We work to keep these areas clean and tidy for your use and enjoyment, supported by our environmental contractor Serco.

Serco also helps us with the removal of litter and the maintenance of public grounds.

Report a problem within our green spaces

We can address problems with:

  • grounds maintenance
  • broken glass or spillage
  • litter
  • fly tipping
  • graffiti
  • dog fouling
  • damaged or broken public toilets
  • uncontrolled animals
  • damaged, broken or missing play equipment
  • tree maintenance – trees on council owned land including dead trees, fallen trees and roots causing damage to surrounding infrastructure. 

Trees and grass cutting on roadside verges

From 1 April 2023, Surrey County Council took over the responsibilities for:

  • tree inspections and maintenance
  • grass cutting
  • weed spraying
  • treatment of noxious weeds.

Report grass cutting issues to Surrey County Council online

Report issues with trees on or next to the public highway

Railway embankments and tunnels: Overgrown vegetation on railway embankments is managed by Network Rail.

Useful links

Read more about tree management - who is responsible

What you can do about high hedges which are on private land