Moving into a business

If you are moving into a business within Woking borough you will need to let us know.

Please tell us about your change of address if you have already moved in or are going to move in the next 10 working days.

What we will need from you

  • your contact details
  • address (including post code) of the property you are moving into
  • the date your tenancy starts (if you have taken on the lease) or date you bought the property (if buying)
  • a copy of your lease, licence agreement or TR1 form
  • the date you are occupying the property from if the property is empty/unoccupied

Once you have registered with us, we will send your business rates bill showing a breakdown of your payments.

Remember: If you apply to claim a business rates reduction after receiving a bill, you will still have to pay the full amount on your bill until we make a decision. If we do award the reduction, you will be sent an amended bill.

Tell us you're moving into a business