Contact us

Contact us online

The quickest and easiest way to contact us is online. From the list below, please choose the service which relates to your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.

Our partners

Give us a call

Our phone lines are open between 9am to 1pm, during the week (excluding bank holidays), and closed at weekends. You can get in touch by calling 01483 755855.

Please note: The Planning Department phone lines are open 8.45am to 1pm.

Visit the council

The Council's offices are open to members of the public for pre-booked and essential appointments only. To request an appointment, phone 01483 755 855, between 9am to 1pm

Find out more

Our address

Woking Borough Council
Civic Offices
Gloucester Square
GU21 6YL

Get directions

what3words address: ///making.guides.beans

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