
Valuation officers from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) draw up and maintain a full list of all rateable values on business properties. An officer may alter a rateable value if circumstances change. 

How to challenge your rateable value

All rateable values are reassessed at a general revaluation which usually takes place every three years. The most recent revaluation took effect from 1 April 2023. 

Whilst the 2023 revaluation did not increase the amount of rates collected nationally, some ratepayers saw an increase in their rates. However, the majority of businesses received a reduction or no change in their bill. 

Check your business rates valuation

Read about what the revelations mean for businesses

Transitional relief

A transitional relief scheme was put in place to limit increases in business rate bills as a result of the 2023 revaluations.

Find out more about the transitional relief scheme