Personal alarms and sensors (Careline)

Careline is a personal alarm service that allows you to live independently in your own home, safe in the knowledge that help is available at the touch of a button.

Careline consists of a digital alarm unit that is installed in your home together with an alarm button that can be worn discreetly around your neck. It also supports a range of telecare sensors for a complete peace of mind.

What Careline offers to customers

Careline offers customers:

  • freedom, confidence and independence at home
  • safety and security at home
  • help at the touch of a button - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year
  • links with NHS, adult social services and other care providers
  • regular visits from Careline staff
  • no hidden costs with free installation and servicing
  • a free, no obligation demonstration
  • a free six-week trial for all residents of Woking borough

Careline: a personal safety system with free tailored support

Our Careline service provides more than a personal safety system and 24/7 monitoring service. We identify extra support solutions aimed at improving your safety, independence and overall well-being. 

When installing a Careline system at a property, our qualified assessor will ensure it functions in all areas, including outbuildings. In addition, they will identify any safety concerns and organise the installation of personal independence items, such as: 

  • bannister rails
  • raised toilet seats
  • chair raisers
  • grab rails

Financial, well-being and emotional support benefits

As your circumstances change, there could also be a number of additional free financial and emotional support benefits available, such as:

By discreetly discussing your living and financial needs, our experienced assessors can work with local support organisations, such as Citizens Advice Woking, Community Meals Service and Council Tax service, to provide a tailored safety and independence package.

Where there are concerns about your ability to cope independently, we can work with Surrey County Council’s adult social care to assess and arrange any necessary care services. 

Regular visits, every eight months, allow us to monitor significant changes, such as mobility decline or changes in household cleanliness, ensuring timely interventions. 

The overall effect of our service can significantly enhance quality of life, enabling safer mobility, financial stability, and 24/7 peace of mind with the Careline alarm.

Careline weekly cost

Careline consists of a digital alarm unit that is installed in your home together with an alarm button that can be worn discreetly around your neck.

Careline costs from £7.17 per week which pays for:

  • the digital alarm unit
  • the alarm button (worn as a pendant)
  • 24-hour monitoring

You can try our Careline service for free of charge - we offer all Woking borough residents a six-week trial.

Apply for a Careline personal alarm and sensor

Arrange a free Careline demonstration or six-week trial

Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation demonstration or six-week free trial.

Phone: 01483 743 668
