Whether you just want to improve your memory, or you have a memory-related diagnosis such as dementia, the Wellbeing Centre can help you take steps to live well.
Surreys network of Wellbeing Centres are local hubs of information and support services relating to memory loss, dementia and associated problems.
They are open to anyone, whatever their situation and whether they are concerned about themselves or others. Carers, in particular, may find the Wellbeing Centre support and services helpful in their caring role.
At the Woking Wellbeing Centre, specialist support workers can assist you to navigate through the maze of services and get the help and support you need when dealing with memory loss and changing behaviours.
Make sense of it all the Wellbeing Centre:
Get specialist advice
Talk to others affected by dementia
Take part in activities to stimulate brain activity
Catch-up with friends at the monthly Forget Me Not Café
Find out what other support services are available
Relax in the tranquil garden
Additional Information
The Wellbeing Centre is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.
Public transport
The Wellbeing Centre is serviced by a number of main bus routes which drop-off opposite the Centre and pick-up outside the neighbouring Heathcot Medical Practice.
Number 28 Woking to Guildford
Number 34 Guildford to Camberley
Number 35 Guildford to Camberley
Number 91 Woking to Knaphill
Bustler Dial-A-Ride provides an assisted door-to-door service. Book in advance by calling 1483 724433.
For further information about Wellbeing Centre read our leaflet online or phone 01483 755855 to request a copy by post.