Non-domestic ratepayers 2025 to 2026: statutory budget consultation


Business rates, also known as non-domestic rates, are collected on most non-domestic properties such as shops, offices and warehouse space. This is one of the main ways that local government is financed. 

Under the business rates retention arrangements, local councils keep a minority proportion of the business rates they collect. Together with revenue from council tax, locally generated income from fees and charges and Government grants, it is used to pay for local services such as tackling homelessness, waste collections, environmental health services and maintaining public parks. 

As a local business, we want to hear from you on our proposed budget for 2025 to 2026.

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Budget proposals 

Alongside most councils, we are facing significant financial challenges, whilst seeing an increase in demand for our services. 

We must set a budget that enables us to live within our means and deliver services to local residents and businesses in a way that is affordable, sustainable and will meet our Best Value responsibilities. 

Our budget proposals are focused on maximising efficiency, making informed decisions based on robust financial data and reducing demand through the greater use of technology and improved processes. 

They are designed to help us operate within a defined budget and ensure that services are delivered more effectively. 

They are not designed to address our well-documented debts. This is being tackled separately.  

Share your views

This consultation allows local businesses to have their say on our spending plans for 2025 to 2026 that impact businesses and the wider community. 

To have your say, please review our draft budget for 2025 to 2026 report and supporting documents below.

Medium-Term Financial Plan and General Fund 2025 to 2026 report

Appendix 1: savings proposals summaries

Appendix 2: growth pressure summaries

Appendix 3: budget forecast 2024 to 2028

Appendix 4: transformation costs

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Alternatively write to Non-Domestic Business Rates Consultation, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL or email

Please provide your name, organisation, address and contact details when responding.

The consultation closes 5pm, Friday 17 January 2025.

What happens next?

Your responses will be reviewed and presented to the Resources and Finance Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 4 February before the final budget report is presented to Council for adoption and will also feed into future budget setting.