Borough and county council responsibilities

Woking Borough Council is part of the two-tier structure of local government in Surrey.

In Surrey, the functions of local government are divided between Surrey County Council and 11 district and borough councils.

The county council is responsible for more strategic functions and larger services such as education and social services, whilst the district councils are responsible for more local services such as planning, development control and housing. Although Woking has been granted 'Borough' status by charter, in terms of structure and functions it is a district council.

The following table shows some of the main powers and responsibilities of Surrey County Council and Woking Borough Council:

Surrey County CouncilWoking Borough Council
 Collection of Council Tax and business rates
Birth, marriage and death registrationsEnvironmental health
EducationPublic and private housing
Fire and rescueLocal plans
HighwaysPlanning applications
LibrariesPublic toilets
Recreation, arts and museumsArts and museums
Social careSports and sports centres
Strategic planningParks and open spaces
Trading standardsCar parks and parking
Waste disposalWaste collection and recycling
 Street cleaning