This strategy is built around three core themes:
- Thriving Communities
- High Performing Council
- Effective Partnerships
Thriving Communities
A Council that focuses its energy on services that make a difference to people in the borough. A place where residents feel safe and lead healthy and fulfilling lifestyles.
High Performing Council
A trusted and transparent Council that lives within its means. A Council that aspires to deliver best practice across all services and puts residents at the heart of what we do.
Effective Partnerships
A Council that works in partnership with all communities to deliver positive outcomes and engages with residents to design more efficient and effective services.
How this strategy is structured
Each theme is made up of three core priorities, underneath which sit clearly defined objectives. The strategy is structured to outline how each individual objective will be met, what the outcomes will be for residents and the Council, and what the success measures are for each objective. This will ensure that performance can be measured and reported.
Sitting below this strategy is a Medium-Term Financial Strategy, a suite of strategic and directorate plans, and a corporate performance management system.
All of these elements combine to define our approach to the delivery of integrated service and financial planning.
Duration of the strategy
This is a three-year strategy running to the end of the 2027/28 financial year, which is aligned to the life of the Council’s Medium-Term Financial Strategy.
The strategy will be refreshed regularly to ensure that it always remains current and is representative of the voice of residents and communities so that we can measure and report on our performance.