Woking Borough Council has 30 councillors representing 10 wards, elected by the voters of each ward.
- Woking Borough Council is elected by thirds. This means 10 councillors stand for election, usually on the first Thursday in May, every three out of four years (the fourth year is the county council elections). Each term of office lasts four years. The next borough elections will be held in May 2026.
- Surrey County Council elections were held in May 2021. Woking is represented by seven county councillors who all serve for a period of four years. The next county council elections will be held in May 2025.
Key roles and functions of all councillors
Councillors are democratically accountable to residents of their wards. The overriding duty of councillors is to the whole community, but they have a special duty to their constituents, including those who did not vote for them.
- are collectively the ultimate policy-makers and carry out a number of strategic and corporate management functions
- contribute to the good governance of the area and actively encourage citizen involvement in decision making
- effectively represent the interests of their ward and of individual constituents
- respond to constituents' enquiries and representations, fairly and impartially
- participate in the governance and management of Woking Borough Council
- maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethics
- serve the public interest and take decisions having regard to the interests of the whole local community.
More information
Contact us
Contact our member services team.
Email: memberservices@woking.gov.uk
Phone: 01483 755 855