Electoral fraud and offences

We work closely with Surrey Police to ensure that strict electoral procedures are in place and followed in the lead up to and during the local elections.

Types of offences

Voters should be aware that the following activities are against the law:

  • Bribery. Candidates or their supporters cannot give money or offer gifts to persuade you to vote a particular way.
  • Treating. Candidates or their supporters cannot directly or indirectly give or provide food, drink or entertainment in order to influence a voter.
  • Intimidation. Candidates or their supporters cannot use undue influence or intimidation of any kind to influence the way you vote.

Your right to vote is yours and yours alone. No-one should stop you from voting or interfere with your right to vote.

If you encounter anyone who is using bribery, treating or intimidation to influence you or anyone who you know, you should report it immediately using the online form.

Voters should also be aware that there are some electoral offences that voters must not commit:

  • multiple voting (voting more than once)
  • personation (voting either in person or by post as someone else).

Report electoral fraud

You can report an electoral offence online or over the phone. All reports will be confidential and your identity will be protected.

Report an electoral offence online

Phone: 01483 755 855

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org