A trusted and transparent Council that lives within its means. A Council that aspires to deliver best practice across all services and puts residents at the heart of what we do.
Priority: A culture of continuous improvement across all services and functions
Our objective: Develop the systems, processes, and culture that enables the Council to meet its Best Value duty.
We will achieve this through
- Developing an Organisational Development plan to equip the Council with the skills and culture to discharge its Best Value obligations.
- Upgrading the Council’s housing systems to deliver service improvements.
- Implementation of a Property Management system.
- Launching a new and more accessible Council website.
- Rollout of new contact centre technology to improve the customer experience.
- Upgrading the Council’s primary finance system.
- A responsive, customer focussed organisation.
- Implementation of improved systems across several directorates.
- Website upgrade enabling customers to self-serve effectively.
- Improved budget monitoring, accountability, and transparency.
- Council systems better integrated.
Success measures
- Improved data quality across systems to enable better performance management.
- Reduction of officer time spent on tasks that can be automated via system enhancement.
- Increased numbers of residents and businesses completing online transactions through self-service.
- Improved resident/staff satisfaction.
Our objective: Ensure effective governance to enable rounded decision-making, based on a proper understanding of options and their consequences (including financial, legal and risks) which are tested through appropriate scrutiny.
We will achieve this through
- Strengthening the performance of Council’s wholly owned companies through more effective governance of the relationship with the companies.
- Embedding a new and enhanced committee reporting template.
- Strengthening the Forward Plan process.
- Strengthening the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny arrangements.
- Effective oversight applied to the management of Council companies.
- Stronger alignment between the companies to the Council’s priorities.
- Members presented with clear advice and guidance, including the full implications of proposed decisions.
- An Overview and Scrutiny function that adds value and strengthens the Council’s decision-making process.
- A well planned/considered Forward Plan.
Success measures
- Company business cases approved by the Council and Government.
- Clear decisions relating to the future of wholly owned companies.
- Members feel sufficiently informed in their decision-making.
- An Overview and Scrutiny function that is valued by Members and is compliant with statutory guidance.
- A forward plan that effectively represents the pipeline of planned council activity.
Priority: A modern employer with a high performing workforce
Our objective: Staff are developed and supported to deliver high performing and cost-effective services.
We will achieve this through
- Developing a pay and progression strategy to ensure staff are rewarded.
- Developing a strategy and action plan for equalities, diversity, and inclusion.
- Reviewing and updating the Council’s recruitment and retention strategy.
- Council services are provided by a knowledgeable and skilled workforce.
- Equalities, diversity, and inclusion considerations are evident as part of Council decision-making processes.
- Employees are engaged and motivated.
- Processes are consistent and transparent.
Success measures
- Positive employee survey results.
- Change programmes create efficiencies and improvements across the Council.
- Survey results indicate employees feel the organisation is fair and diverse.
- The strategies are developed and agreed.
- Employment terms have been reviewed.
Priority: A financially responsible council with sustainable and affordable plans
Our objective: Effective use of our estate to deliver maximum value for money and support the council’s place-shaping responsibilities.
We will achieve this through
- Creating a finance section that has the right skills and capacity in place.
- Finalising historic accounts to meet statutory reporting requirements and return to the statutory timetable for 2025/26.
- Delivery of a balanced Medium Term Financial Strategy with clearly identified savings and mitigations to close budget gaps.
- Developing and implementing a debt reduction strategy.
- Identifying a Council-wide financial envelope which is not dependent on commercial activity.
- Training and support for budget holders.
- Improved financial transparency and decision-making.
- Better skills internally to plan and deliver the MTFS and assess financial proposals.
- Enhanced budget management and forecasting.
- Enhanced accountability and transparency in the use of public funds.
Success measures
- Use of financial forecast to inform robust strategic decision-making.
- Councillors and officers recognising the Council’s duty in all financial business and using public resources responsibly.
- A ‘right sized’ budget for the Council focused on delivering to citizens.
- A balanced Housing Revenue Account and a sustainable Housing service.
- Implementation and use of robust financial, budgeting, and accounting systems.
Our objective: Effective use of our estate to deliver maximum value for money and support the council’s place-shaping responsibilities.
We will achieve this through
- Implementation of an asset review and subsequent rationalisation plan.
- Addressing energy management issues to reduce consumption and costs.
- Developing and implementing a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) that supports the Council’s strategic priorities and place-shaping agenda.
- Creation and delivery of a robust maintenance capital works programme.
- A clear strategy that enables the prioritisation of effort and works.
- A SAMP that will manage the pipeline of asset disposals over a defined period and level out Council assets verses debt.
- An approach to link estate management and place-shaping through the Local Plan.
- Implementation of capital works to increase income where appropriate.
Success measures
- Streamlined, effective maintenance planning and escalation process implemented.
- Achieving annual disposal targets and meeting criteria set out by Commissioners.
- Development/adoption of a capital works programme based on condition surveys.
- Reduction in administrative overheads.
Our objective: Effective approach to the commissioning, procurement, and contract management of organisations that supply goods and services to the council.
We will achieve this through
- Reviewing and enhancing procurement and contract management processes.
- Ensuring the Council is compliant with the Procurement Act 2023 requirements.
- Developing and adopting a Commercial Strategy.
- Assurance that the Council is achieving Best Value in relation to procurement.
- Contract Standing Orders updated to reflect new requirements.
- Training provided to staff based on specific requirements.
- Corporate Contract Register fully up to date to drive management information.
- Pipeline of procurement/contract activity.
- Clarity around the approach and implementation of commercial activity across the Council.
Success measures
- New Contract Standing Orders adopted.
- Ongoing review of procurement and contract savings opportunities.
- New procurement and contract management frameworks developed.
- Savings delivered via procurement activity.
- Improved Government Commercial Assessment Framework score.
- Fewer direct awards/exemptions issued due to greater rigour around processes.
- The adoption of an updated commercial framework that reflects best practice and takes account of planned procurement and contract management improvements.
Our objective: Effectively manage the relationship with the council’s wholly owned companies in a way that ensures the public interest is protected.
We will achieve this through
- Delivery of full business cases for Council wholly owned companies in order to support the Council’s strategic priorities.
- Undertaking an assessment of company compliance with the Company Governance Framework.
- Review the future of the Council’s companies in order to best protect the public purse, reduce debt, and meet the Council’s strategic objectives.
- Ensure value for money in relation to investment and disinvestment decisions.
- Ensuring robust and effective commercial governance is in pace and fit for purpose.
Success measures
- Reduction in Council exposure to risk associated with companies.
- Consistent quality of business cases and commercial decision-making.
- Clear assessment of the viability of wholly owned companies to inform clear decision-making and next steps.
Our objective: Tackle the legacy issues confronting the Council rigorously, to best protect the public interest.
We will achieve this through
- Reviewing historic charges to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to ensure they are fair and legitimate, including costs relating to the Sheerwater Regeneration Scheme, and taking corrective action where necessary.
- Development of a response to the publication of the Grant Thornton Value for Money Review.
- Tenant rents used correctly/effectively.
- Clarity and assurance around the HRA ringfence arrangements.
- Clearly defined next steps and actions in relation to the Grant Thornton review i.e. historic loan arrangements and associated decisions/governance.
Success measures
- A HRA that is clear and transparent with all subsidies removed.
- Increased confidence in the Council dealing with legacy issues and meeting expectations of Government and Commissioners.
- Successfully extracting the Council from legacy arrangements where possible.