Discounts, reductions and exemptions


You may be eligible to claim a discount on your Council Tax for any of the reasons explained below. Your bill will show you if you have been granted a discount.

Single person discount

The normal Council Tax charge for a property is made on the basis that there are at least two adults (people aged 18 or over) living in the property. Where there is only one adult we give a single person discount of 25%. 

Apply for a single person discount

Annex discount

There is 50% discount for annexes that are occupied by close relatives of the owner/occupier of the main dwelling, or annexes which are being used by a resident of the other dwelling as part of their sole or main residence.

Apply for an annex discount

Not counted ('people disregarded') discount

Certain people can be 'disregarded' for Council Tax purposes. This means we do not count them when we are working out how many adults live in the property. This may mean you’re entitled to a single person discount of 25%. If no adults count, a discount of 50% is allowed.

The following people are disregarded for Council Tax purposes:

  • full time students 
  • student nurses, apprentices and youth training trainees
  • 18 and 19 year olds who are at, or who have just left, school
  • prisoners and other people held in detention
  • people with severe mental impairment
  • patients living in a hospital 
  • people being looked after in a care or nursing home
  • people providing or receiving care elsewhere
  • certain care workers and people providing care in the home
  • members of recognised religious communities
  • members of visiting forces and certain international institutions.

Apply for people disregarded discount

Contact us 

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online form which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Contact us online