Discounts, reductions and exemptions


Hardship reduction ('relief')

Under certain circumstances we can use our discretion to reduce the amount of Council Tax you pay. We consider each case individually. Anyone applying will have to show they have exhausted all other options for meeting their Council Tax liability and that their current circumstances are unlikely to improve in the next year.

Applicants also have to show they have no assets, do not own property, are unemployed and no other source of money is available.

Hardship Relief is capped at the equivalent Band D charge for the financial year in which the application is received. Only in extreme cases would we refund the whole of this amount.

How to apply

To apply for Council Tax hardship relief, please read our policy and write to us including the following information: 

  • your monthly income and expenditure
  • evidence to support your claim

Read our hardship relief policy

Apply for Council Tax hardship relief

Care leaver's reduction

Young people leaving care in Woking borough are eligible for full reduction of Council Tax until their 25th birthday.

This scheme is designed to help care leavers successfully transition into adulthood. 

Download and complete the application form

Low income reduction

If you’re on a low income or receive benefits you may apply for Council Tax Support.

Find out more about Council Tax Support and how to apply

Download detailed information on our Council Tax Support Scheme

Disability reduction

Under certain circumstances a reduction in Council Tax can be allowed for a property which is the home of a disabled person. There is no age limit and the disabled person does not need to be the Council Tax payer but they must suffer from a 'permanent and substantial' disability.

To qualify both of the following criteria must apply:

  1. A person with a permanent and substantial disability must live at the address for which a reduction is claimed. The person with the disability does not have to be the Council Tax payer.
  2. One of the following conditions must also apply:
  • There is a room, other than a bathroom or kitchen which is used mainly to meet the needs of the disabled person. Please note, the room must be needed in addition to a room normally needed by any person as part of everyday life. For example, in addition to a bedroom or living room.
  • Or, there is a second bathroom or kitchen which is required to meet the needs of the disabled person.
  • Or, the disabled person needs to use a wheelchair in the property, and there is enough floor space to allow this.

If these criteria are met your Council Tax bill is recalculated as if the property were in a band lower. If the property is already in the lowest band, A, then a reduction of 1/9th of the Band D charge applies.

You can still qualify for other reductions such as single person discount and Council Tax Support in addition to a disabled person's reduction.

Contact us 

If you think you may qualify for this reduction, please contact us.

The quickest way to contact us is by using our online form which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Contact us online