Financial spend data

The Local Government Transparency Code was first published by the Government in 2011, and further revised in October 2014 and February 2015.

The code requires that authorities publish, on a quarterly basis, details of expenditure exceeding £500, including government procurement card transactions.

We publish this information on a monthly basis, with no minimum transaction value, in order to maximise democratic accountability.

The files below are in a machine readable format (Comma Separated Values – CSV) in line with the legislation, and are loaded on a monthly basis for the current financial year, and replaced at the end of the year with an annual summary.

Spend data for 2024/25

Historic spend data

Local Spend Data Summary 2023-24
Local Spend Data Summary 2022-23
Local Spend Data Summary 2021-22
Local Spend Data Summary 2020-21
Local Spend Data Summary 2019-20
Local Spend Data Summary 2018-19
Local Spend Data Summary 2017-18
Local Spend Data Summary 2016-17
Local Spend Data Summary 2015-16