General election 2024: results

UK Parliamentary election results 2024 for the Woking Constituency

Name of candidateDescriptionNumber of votes
Anderson, Nataly SuzanaThe Green Party1,853
Barker, Richard GodwinReform UK4,888
Erheriene, EseLabour Party4,444
Forster, WillLiberal Democrats24,019 (ELECTED)
Lord, Jonathan George CaladineThe Conservative Party12,773
Read, TimHeritage Party168

Number of ballot papers rejected

Rejection descriptionNumber of ballot papers
A: want of an official mark0
B: voting for more candidates than voter was entitled26
C: writing or mark by which voter could be identified0
D: being marked or wholly void for uncertainty145
E: rejected in part0
  • Vacant seats: 1
  • Electorate: 72,969
  • Ballot papers issued: 48,316
  • Turnout: 66.4%

View the declaration of results for Woking Borough (PDF)