Apply for or renew a HMO licence

Applications for HMO licences are submitted via the government’s website.

A HMO licence is valid for three years and there is also a cost for renewing a licence.

View the HMO fees and charges

Apply for or renew an HMO licence

How to apply for a renew a licence

The person applying for the licence must also be a 'fit and proper person'. In general terms, this is a person who is competent to manage the property and has the resources to do so.

As part of your HMO application you will need to provide:

  • a floor plan (a line drawing including dimensions)
  • a PAT certificate
  • an energy performance certificate (EPC)
  • a gas safe certificate (if applicable)
  • a fire risk assessment
  • an automatic fire detection certificate
  • a copy of the tenancy agreement
  • an electrical installation condition report (EICR)
  • an alarm maintenance certificate (if applicable).

To help you complete your application, please read our guide to completing the online property licence application form. This provides step by step instructions for completing our selective licence form and GOV.UK’s HMO licence application form.

Read our guide to completing an online HMO application

Apply for or renew a HMO licence

About the application process

The application process should take us no longer than eight weeks to complete. Some more complex applications make take longer. If this is the case, we will inform you before the eight-week period expires.

Apply for or renew an HMO licence

Data protection

Find out how we use your personal data when you apply for a property licence