If you are struggling to pay your rent, service charges and/or any amounts that you owe to us, do not panic. Please contact us as soon as possible and we will always do our best to accommodate your situation.
We are required to collect your contracted payments and our income team will take a firm but fair approach to dealing with your arrears.
If you do not keep up with your payments or fail to meet any arrangements, you may lose your home.
Are you eligible to apply for Housing Benefit?
Before contacting us, we encourage you to read our Housing Benefit information. You may be eligible to apply for and claim Housing Benefit, especially if your financial situation has changed.
Read more about Housing Benefit
Independent free advice
You can also get independent advice from our partners and other helpful organisations. The best organisation to contact for free and independent help is Citizen Advice.
Frequently asked questions
Read our frequently asked questions about problems paying your rent and rent arrears