Change a premises licence

Change a name or an address, transfer or vary a licence, change the name of the designated premises supervisor.

Overview and fees

If you hold a premises licence, you can apply to make a number of changes. You can:

  • transfer a premises licence into your name
  • make a minor change to a premises licence
  • make a minor change to a premises licence 
  • change a name or address
  • surrender your licence
  • request a duplicate copy of a licence 

Fees to change a premises licence

Premises licence fees to make a change or vary a licence
Type of application Fee
Theft or loss of premises licence or summary £10.50
Notification of change of name or address £10.50
Application to vary licence to specify individual as premises supervisor £23
Application for transfer of premises licence £23
Interim authority notice following death of licence holder £23
Right of freeholder to be notified of licensing matters £23
Make a minor change to a premises licence  £89