Council adopts robust long-term plan to improve housing services


Friday, 13 December, 2024

A strategy for improving services for the Council’s housing tenants was adopted by councillors during a meeting of Full Council (Thursday 12 December).

The 30-year Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan sets out a framework to deliver safe and well-maintained homes that meet modern standards, whilst ensuring the council’s long-term financial stability.

It outlines the council’s plans to improve its service to council tenants and leaseholders and where it will prioritise investment in its housing stock.

Adopting this long-term approach allows the council to make more informed and sustainable decisions about investment in homes so that it can meet all regulatory standards in an affordable way.

Cllr Ian Johnson, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, said: “For far too long, our social housing stock has suffered from massive under-investment, leading to a decline in standards that has negatively impacted our housing tenants.

“Approval of the HRA business plan marks a significant step forward on our commitment to addressing these long-standing issues while tackling the significant financial challenges we face. This plan prioritises the safety and quality of our homes and ensures greater clarity for tenants about the level of service they can expect. It marks a vital step in putting our house in order.”

The plan forms a key part of the council’s Housing Improvement Programme, which was adopted in December 2023, to improve the delivery of housing services. It also supports the council’s broader Improvement and Recovery Plan.

Work is now progressing to finalise next year’s budget, including the capital programme of works to our housing stock.

Read the HRA business plan.(link is external)

Watch the Council meeting online.(link is external)