Residents' panel

We’re transforming the way we deliver our services to be more insight driven and customer focussed.

As a member of our residents’ panel your feedback will help inform these changes and ensure we’re delivering best value for Woking residents. 

To be a panel member, you must:

  • live in the borough of Woking
  • be aged 18 or older

It's quick and easy to sign up and start giving your feedback:

Join our residents' panel

How the panel works

The role is unpaid, and we will ask for your feedback using short online surveys or invite you to take part in a focus group, which might be in person or online.

You do not have to respond to everything we send you if the topic doesn’t interest or impact you.

The sorts of things we want to hear your views on may include:

  • customer or online experiences
  • proposed changes to services and amenities
  • council priorities
  • draft policies and documents
  • trust and confidence in the council
  • the environment and climate change

We will also share with you:

  • details of formal consultations open to all residents
  • relevant partner consultations i.e. health, police, county council

How we will use your feedback

The residents’ panel is an informal engagement group. Your anonymised feedback will be used in the formative stages of a project or service redesign, or will assist us in identifying the options/proposals put forward for formal public consultation. 

Wherever possible, we will let you know how your feedback has been used and how you have helped to improve our services.

Data protection

Feedback provided by panel members is used anonymously.

We will only use your personal data to invite you to take part in our consultation and engagement activity and to compare the panel’s demographic profile with the borough’s demographic profile. 

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email us at