Conditions of use for car park season tickets

As a season ticket holder, you are entitled to park in the car park for which your season ticket is allocated to and valid for which is open 24 hours. There is no guarantee that a parking space will be available.

For Victoria Way, Victoria Place and Heathside car parks the vehicle details entered when purchasing the season ticket are on the automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system, so your registration number will be recognised at the exit barrier which will lift automatically. If the ANPR system fails to operate, you must press the help button and assistance will be provided.

If it is found that you do not hold a valid, current season ticket, you must pay the charge due for parking before exiting the car park. 

For Woking Park or Woodlands Avenue season tickets please see the specific conditions for those car parks.

In the event that you have temporary use of another car whilst yours is being serviced/repaired, you must contact before using the car park.

Please note:

  • Parking is permitted in any bay except those marked for disabled drivers and any shown as restricted for particular persons or vehicles.
  • Your vehicle must be parked wholly within bay markings.
  • You cannot park on any yellow line or hatchings or in any driving lane.
  • Your vehicle must not be left so that it causes any obstruction.
  • Failure to adhere to the conditions of use or car park regulations may make you liable to being issued with a penalty charge notice.
  • The season ticket is not transferable and cannot be used by any other vehicle (other than mentioned above).
  • Permits are not transferable to any other person and not to any other vehicle other than to a courtesy car when your own vehicle is being repaired or serviced. If you're using a courtesy vehicle, email with proof of your repair or service and estimated date when the works will be completed. 
  • The council reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withdraw a season ticket at any time, or immediately for any fraudulent use or misuse.
  • You can use this facility 24hrs a day for the duration of the season ticket unless the season ticket is revoked for any reason, it is no longer required, or your entitlement ceases.
  • The council reserves the right to allocate an alternative town centre car park (where the value of a season ticket is the same) in the event of emergencies, car park closures, repairs, maintenance or any other unavoidable circumstance that may or may not be within the council’s control.

In the event of a permanent change of vehicle the existing season ticket must be cancelled and a new season ticket purchased for the new vehicle. Failure to make changes prior to parking will result in the need for payment of the charge due for parking. This will be non-refundable.

Refunds will be given pro-rata the cost of the permit for the number of complete months remaining only, less the £25 administration fee where applicable.

Season tickets are issued subject to the council’s order(s) relating to car parks in force at the time and the council reserves the right to vary such orders during the period of the subscription. 

Cars are parked at the owner’s/driver’s risk and the council accepts no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or part thereof, nor will it accept liability for the death of or injury to any person(s) arising out of the use of the car park, save insofar as such death or injury is caused by the negligence of the authority, its servants or agents.