Conditions of use residents parking permits

A permit is provided that entitles you to park without any additional charges.

For 24 hour permits, at any time.

For off peak permits, during the off-peak hours, 5pm to 9am Mondays to Fridays and all day Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.

For Heathside Crescent, Victoria Place and Victoria Way permits operate with ANPR (automatic number plate recognition).

A permit does not guarantee a parking space will be available.

  • Parking is permitted in any bay except those for disabled drivers and those shown as restricted for particular permit holders, persons or vehicles. 
  • Your vehicle must be parked wholly within bay markings.
  • You cannot park on any yellow line or hatchings or in any driving lane.
  • Your vehicle must not be left so that it causes any obstruction.
  • Failure to adhere to the conditions of use, or car park regulations, may make you liable to being issued with a penalty charge notice.
  • The Council reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withdraw a permit at any time and immediately if there is any fraudulent or misuse of it.
  • Permits are not transferable to any other person and not to any other vehicle other than to a courtesy car when your own vehicle is being repaired or serviced. If you're using a courtesy vehicle, email with proof of your repair or service and estimated date when the works will be completed. 

If your permit is valid off peak, yet you park outside of the hours you are entitled to park using your permit, you must make payment at the daily rate advertised charges.

If your entitlement (as a resident) ceases, you must cancel the permit by logging into your ZATPermit account.

Any refund for cancellation will be pro-rata the annual cost for the number of complete months remaining less the £25 administration fee.

Any change in contact / vehicle details should be requested through ZATPermit. A payment of £25 administration fee will normally apply. If you do not make the change prior to parking, you are required to make payment of the daily charge; no refund of any such charges will be made.

Permits are issued subject to the Council’s order(s) relating to car parks in force at the time and the Council reserves the right to vary such orders during the period of the subscription. 

Cars are parked at the Owner’s/Driver’s risk and the Council accepts no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or part thereof, nor will it accept liability for the death of or injury to any person(s) arising out of the use of the car park, save insofar as such death or injury is caused by the negligence of the Authority, its servants or agents.