Residents' 24-hour car park permits

If you live within Woking town centre, you can apply for a residents' 24-hour discounted car park permit. It allows unrestricted use of either Heathside Crescent or Victoria Place car parks.

Only one residents’ 24-hour permit per address will be issued. The cost of a residents’ 24-hour permit is £860 per year. If a second permit is required, you can either apply for a car park season ticket or for a residents’ off-peak car park permit.

How to apply

You can apply for a residents’ 24-hour permit via our ZatPermit online portal. If you have not used the system before, you will need to create an account first.

To apply, you will need:

  • a copy of your vehicle registration document (V5C), ensuring you show the section with your vehicle details and your name and address
  • proof of residency for the address you are applying for
  • credit or debit card.

Please use a document with your name and address and dated within the last three months, such as a:

  • utility bill
  • bank statement
  • letter from your pension provider or the NHS.

If you have just moved, we can accept a letter from your solicitor or copy of your tenancy agreement.

If you drive a company vehicle proof of ownership can be in the form of a letter from your manager on headed stationery confirming your exclusive use of the vehicle.

If you have just changed your car or moved to a new house and you are waiting for a new vehicle registration document from the DVLA, please send us copy of the new owner slip or the completed change of address section with your permit application.

Apply for a residents' 24-hour car park permit

Making changes to your permit

If you change your vehicle, you need to apply to change the vehicle registered to your permit via our ZatPermit portal.

To do this: 

  • Log into your ZatPermit account and find the 'Vehicles' page.
  • On 'Vehicle' page, you will see the vehicles linked to your account. Here you can add a new vehicle.
  • Once you have added a new vehicle to your account, find the 'Bookings' page where you can view and update your current permit.

If you are using a courtesy vehicle whilst your vehicle is undergoing repairs, please email us at   

Apply to make a change to your permit

Cancelling your permit

You can apply to cancel your permit via the online ZatPermit portal.

To do this:

  • Log into your ZatPermit account and find the 'Bookings' page. Here you can see any permits linked to your account and chose the one you would like to cancel.