NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Borough Council has received applications for Planning Permission (including under the General Regulations 1992), Listed Building Consent, potential Departure, Major Development or which may affect a Conservation Area, Public Right of Way or for works to trees in a Conservation Area or covered by a Tree Preservation Order.
- Avens Court, 1 Broomcroft Drive, Pyrford, Woking. PLAN/2023/0791/EF: Change of use from care home (Use Class C2) to residential (Use Class C3) comprising 13 flats and alterations to fenestration, with car parking, cycle parking and bin store.
- McLaren Technology Centre, Chertsey Road, Woking. PLAN/2023/0819/RE: Installation of security fencing and gates within the McLaren Technology Centre service yard at the McLaren Campus, Woking.
Please note: You should be aware that the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 2000 allows anyone the right to examine and receive copies of your representations.
Details of the application, together with submitted plans and documents, may be viewed on the Public Access database. Any representations should be submitted within 21 days from the date of this notice.