The government’s Regulator of Social Housing sets regulatory standards that all social housing landlords must meet.
Social housing landlords, such as councils and housing associations, are checked to make sure they provide good quality homes and services.
As part of these standards, the regulator has introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) which tenants can use to understand how well their landlord is doing.
Council tenants had until midnight on Sunday 2 March to complete the 2024 to 2025 Tenant Satisfaction Survey. The results will be published later this year.
Our results 2023/2024
Each year we report to the regulator on two types of Tenant Satisfaction Measures - management information and tenant perception’ measures.
Our 2023/2024 Tenant Satisfaction Measures have been collected using information from 2,926 applicable households.
The survey received 433 survey responses from tenants. A total of 85% of the responses were from tenants in 'general needs' accommodation and 15% from sheltered housing schemes.
Read how we carried out our TSM research
Read how we used the TSM survey data to publish our results
In autumn 2024 the regulator will publish the Tenant Satisfaction Measures results for all housing providers across England.
Tenant perception measure results
Regulator code | What we asked our tenants about | Our result |
TP01 | Overall satisfaction | 55.7% |
TP02 | Repairs | 62.8% |
TP03 | Time taken to complete most recent repair | 56.1% |
TP04 | Home is well maintained | 51% |
TP05 | Home is safe | 62.7% |
TP06 | Landlord listens to views and acts upon them | 37.5% |
TP07 | Landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter | 47.7% |
TP08 | Agreement that landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect | 61.2% |
TP09 | Landlord's approach to complaints | 13% |
TP10 | Landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained | 47.3% |
TP11 | Landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhood | 39% |
TP12 | Landlord's approach to handling anti-social behaviour (ASB) | 33.1% |
Management information measure results: Building safety
Regulator code | Measure title | Our result |
BS01 | Homes needing gas safety checks and these were done | 98.2% |
BS02 | Homes needing fire safety checks and these were done | 100% |
BS03 | Homes needing asbestos surveys or re-inspections and these were done | 88.1% |
BS04 | Homes needing legionella risk assessments and these were done | 74.9% |
BS05 | Homes needing communal lift safety checks and these were done | 88.9% |
Management information measure results: Anti-social behaviour (ASB)
Regulator code | Measure title | Our result |
NM01(1) | Anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes | 7.2 |
NM02(2) | Anti-social behaviour hate cases opened per 1,000 homes | 0 |
Management information measure results: Decent homes standard (DHS) and repairs
Regulator code | Measure title | Our result |
RP01 | Homes which do not meet the decent homes standard | 9.1% |
RP02(1) | Non-emergency repairs done within the landlord's set timescale | 78.7% |
RP02(2) | Emergency repairs done within the landlord's set timescale | 91.5% |
Management information measure results: Complaints
Regulator code | Measure title | Our result |
CH01(1) | Stage one complaints per 1,000 homes | 17.8 |
CH01(2) | Stage two complaints per 1,000 homes | 3.8 |
CH02(1) | Stage one complaints answered within the Housing Ombudsman's complaint handling set timescales | 64.4% |
CH02(2) | Stage one complaints answered within the Housing Ombudsman's complaint handling set timescales | 27.3% |
What we're doing to improve tenant satisfaction
Our Housing and Improvement Programme will support and monitor improved performance against all Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
Actions we’re taking include:
- condition surveys on all our properties
- fire safety works to correct any issues
- compulsory complaint training for all our housing staff
- develop a resident engagement strategy
- run resident focus groups
- refresh all our policies and procedures
We will be starting to collect resident feedback for the next year from October 2024.