Pay for it

Here are some of the things you can pay for by selecting the type of item you wish to pay:

Council Tax

Business Rates

Housing Rents and service charges

Sundry Invoices

Housing Benefit Overpayment invoice

For all other payments please visit our payment portal.

Make a payment online

Monthly maintenance is carried out on the third Sunday of every month between 4.30am and 6.30am. During this time period, online payment may not be available.

Setting up and paying by direct debit

Payment for Council Tax, business rates and housing rents can be made by direct debit. This is the easiest and most convenient way for you to pay.

By signing up for a direct debit, you are giving up permission to collect payments direct from your bank or building society account. It is also our preferred method of payment as it is the most efficient and cost effective.

To set up a direct debit for your Council Tax or business rates, select the relevant link below and complete the online form.

Complete a Council Tax direct debit form
Complete a business rates direct debit form

If you wish to pay your housing rent by direct debit, download and complete a direct debit instruction form below and return it to the Civic Offices.

Download a housing rents direct debit form

Return address: Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, GU21 6YL

Pay by credit or debit card over the phone

You can pay us using our 24-hour automated telephone payment system. We accept the following cards: Visa Debit and Visa Credit, MasterCard, Electron, Maestro.

To pay over the phone, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have your payment reference number and payment card details available.
  2. Phone our main number 01483 755 855.
  3. When prompted by the automated message, select the option one 'to make a payment'.
  4. When prompted by the automated message, select the appropriate payment type.
  5. Follow the instructions to make your payment.

Standing order

To set up a standing order, you'll need to contact your bank or building society to pay by this method. You will need to ensure that the instalment amounts are paid in full and made on or before the instalment due dates listed on your bill.

To change your instalment amounts, you will have to contact your bank or building society.

If you choose to pay by this method, please let us know so we can update our records.


Payments through the BACS system should be made to:

Bank: Lloyds TSB Bank Plc

Payee: Woking Borough Council

Sortcode: 30-00-00

Account number: 03393755 

When making your payment, please ensure that you add your 'payment reference', which can be found on your bill.

Online home banking

If you use the home banking service with your bank you may pay by this method. Please ensure that you quote your payment reference, bank sort code and Woking Borough Council account number, all of which can be found on your Council Tax bill.

Important note

It is important that you quote the correct payment reference in order that your payment can be processed. Failure to quote the correct reference will result in your payment being delayed. If there is no information available to enable us to identify the payment, we will have no alternative but to put the payment into a suspense account until we can obtain the correct information from you.

Having problems?

If you are having financial difficulties which may prevent you paying, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the situation. The earlier you speak to us the quicker we can help you. If you are finding it difficult to pay because you are on a low income, you may be entitled to claim benefit.

See how we use and store your data when payments

Contact us