A carer is someone who looks after a family member, friend or neighbour who is ill, frail or has a disability. More than half of carers suffer physical ill health and mental health issues as a result of providing long term and/or around the clock care.
We work with health and social care partners to support carers by following the Together for Carers principles. These are as follows:
- Support the identification, recognition and registration of carers and young carers.
- Carers will have their support needs assessed and will receive an integrated package of support in order to maintain and/or improve their physical and mental health.
- Carers will be empowered to make choices about their caring role and access appropriate services and support for them and the person they look after.
- Our staff to be aware of the needs of carers and of their value to the community.
- Carers will be supported by information sharing (with their consent) between health, social care, carer support organisations and other partners.
- Carers will be respected and listened to as expert care partners and will be actively involved in care planning, shared decision making and reviewing services.
- The support needs of carers who are more vulnerable or at a key transition point will be identified early.
- Young carers will be identified, supported and protected from inappropriate care.
We support carers with day to day living and can advise on other services available. These services included the following: