Social prescribing

Social prescribing supports individuals to take better control over their health and improve their general wellbeing.

It aims to link residents, who have social, emotional or practical needs which cannot be addressed by a GP, to a wealth of different services within the borough.

Information for residents

What we offer

We offer one to one appointments with our wellbeing adviser who will talk to you about your concerns and factors affecting your health. Our adviser will then help to identify and organise suitable assistance via our network of services and local community and voluntary organisations.

Our wellbeing adviser can help you to access support in the following areas:

  • remaining independent at home
  • opportunities for social interaction
  • practical help, such as cooking, transport, shopping
  • physical activity
  • benefits and budgeting advice
  • housing options advice
  • mental or emotional support
  • support around a disability.

Who can use this service

The service is currently available to adults over 18 years old, who are registered with a Woking GP surgery and experiencing non medical issues requiring additional support. 

Anyone wishing to access Woking’s social prescribing must obtain a referral from their GP or a medical professional. 

Once a referral has been made by a health professional, our wellbeing advisor will get in touch to arrange an appointment with you.

Information for local organisations

Social prescribing aims to match local residents in need to the right local support services and organisations.

If you work or volunteer for a local organisation, which can provide support and advice to the local community, we would like to obtain information about your service.

Submit information about your local service

Contact us
