Young People's Civic Awards

The Young People's Civic Awards Scheme was established in 1996 by Woking Borough Council and in partnership with head teachers and students from Woking's secondary schools.

The aim of the scheme is to reward children and young people who make an outstanding contribution to the community which is not normally recognised by formal accreditation, and in doing so, encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

Awards categories

There are three categories for the scheme:

Outstanding contribution to the community

Nominations have included work in areas such as helping the elderly or disabled, working with children, fund raising for good causes and involvement with local voluntary organisations.

Triumph over adversity

Nominations in this category have included endurance and bravery, such as overcoming disability or helping a parent or family member with a disability.

Outstanding achievement

Nominations have included excellence in many fields - sport, music, drama, the visual arts - but particularly in less academic subjects that are not normally recognised or rewarded in other ways.

Awards criteria and judging information 

The scheme is open to all children and young people, up to the age of 18, who live or attend school or college in the borough.

Nominations are judged by the Mayor of Woking and representatives from Woking Borough Council.

How to nominate a young person for an award

The nomination process for the 2025 awards will open shortly.  

Awards will be presented to the winners in each category by the Mayor at the annual Mayor Making Ceremony in May 2025. All young people nominated will receive a certificate acknowledging their achievements.

Submit a nomination for the Young People's Civic Awards 2025

Previous winners

Find out who won the Young People's Civic Awards in 2024

Find out who won the Young People's Civic Awards in 2023

Contact us

For more information, please contact Julie Northcote, Democratic Services Officer.

Phone: 01483 755 855


Personal data use

We (Woking Borough Council) are collecting your personal data to process the nomination you are making for the Young People’s Civic Award. We will not share your or the nominee’s personal data with any other organisations unless the law allows us to do so.

We will hold your personal data for seven years after our last contact with you. You can ask us to access, rectify or erase the personal data we have about you by contacting us.

Read more about on how we collect and use your personal data and the control you have over it

You can also find out more by contacting our Data Protection Officer.


Phone: 01483 755 855