We are often asked by homeowners to see the plans held in our records.
Original plans and site drainage
We may have plans of your original house which include a drainage layout. It may be possible for the original plans to be extracted from the archives, dependant largely on how old the house is. It cannot be guaranteed that what is shown on any plan is what you will find on site.
You may be charged an administration fee. Searching for old records takes a while whether or not they can be found.
A better way to determine the drainage layout is to either employ a surveyor to investigate or lift manholes in your garden and do your own survey.
Remember there may be surface water as well as foul drains on your property. You must not connect foul water to a surface water system or vice versa. You will also need to remember that other people may have rights of drainage and therefore use of the sewers passing through your land.
Planning application plans
You have a right to see plans submitted for any planning application for your house. However, Building Control documents are not public records and access is restricted to the owner. If you wish to see documents we have produced, such as approval notices and Completion Certificates, these may be viewed on request as along as they are accompanied by proof of ownership.
Getting duplicate copies of plans
Building Control documents are not public records and access is restricted to the owner. The copyright remains with the architect or engineer who drew the original plans and in the first instance you will be referred to them.