Once you have submitted your request we will send you an email acknowledgement. If you prefer to receive correspondence by post, please let us know with your pre-application advice request.
If something is missing, we will contact you for more information. Once we have received your request with the correct information and the relevant fee, you can expect a written response from us within three weeks for householder proposals and four weeks for all other proposals. Please note that very large or highly complex proposals may require a longer response time.
Our response generally covers the following:
- the planning constraints of the site
- the degree to which a proposal is compliant with planning policy
- an indication of whether further specialist information would be required at application stage, for example tree surveys or Flood Risk Assessments
- if financial contributions would be necessary
- if amendments would need to be made to the proposal.
Any advice given is made in good faith and represents the informal opinion of an officer and not necessarily that of the council. Advice will be as accurate as possible, based on current policies and the quality of information you submit. Any advice given doesn't constitute a formal decision and doesn't prejudice any future formal decisions made us.