About CIL and tariff

We use the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) as our primary means of securing developer contributions towards infrastructure projects in the borough. Funds raised might go towards new or safer road schemes, park improvements or a new health centre.

More information on the CIL can be found on the Woking 2027 website.

The CIL tariff is charged on the 'gross internal floor space' of a proposed development. However, some developments are exempt. 

These include:

  • minor developments and residential extensions of less than 100 square metres of net internal floorspace (unless it will comprise of one or more dwellings)
  • new affordable housing
  • development for charitable purposes
  • self build housing and residential annexes. 

The charging schedule is set out below.

Type of developmentCharges
Residential (Town Centre, Sheerwater and Maybury)£75 per square metre
Residential (rest of the borough)£125 per square metre
Retail (all types)£75 per square metre
All other commercial and non-residential uses£0 per square metre