This information sheet outlines a list of fees and charges we charge to cover our legal costs when processing Section 106 agreements and the payment process for paying these costs (as required).
Reasonable legal costs (compulsory)
We charge £400 per application to cover reasonable legal costs for managing with the Section 106 process. This fee must be paid in advance and your application will not be processed without receipt of this payment.
To pay this fee, please contact our customer services team on 01483 755 855, provide the pay entry reference ‘Legal fees – Section 106 reasonable legal costs’, and provide your case reference number.
Bespoke unilateral undertaking revision charge
If you choose to alter the content of the unilateral undertaking template (other than in the areas instructed to do so) or you decide to draft your own S106 unilateral undertaking, this document will need to be reviewed by our legal services team.
This service costs an additional £400 per application. If you do not to provide this additional payment when submitting your bespoke application, we will not start the process to progress your planning application.
To pay this additional fee, please contact customer services team on 01483 755 855, provide the pay entry reference ‘Legal fees – Section 106 bespoke UU revision charge’, and provide your case reference number.
Land Registry confirmation charge
We require an up-to-date Official Copy Entry from HM Land Registry, which is no older than six months on receipt of the document and is available on HM Land Registry’s website. If this is not provided, we can check with the Land Registry to ascertain ownership.
This service costs £50 and payment of this charge is required before ownership is confirmed with the Registry. If the Official Copy Entry is not provided, and no payment is made for the Council to confirm ownership, we will not progress your planning applications.
To pay this fee, please contact our customer services team on 01483 755 855, provide the pay entry reference ‘Legal Fees – Section 106 Land Registry confirmation charge’, and provide your case reference number.
All payments
Alternatively, all payments can be paid directly to our accounts. Please contact our legal services team to obtain our bank details. When making the payments, please use your case reference number as your payment reference.