Planning application: 81 Commercial Way (former BHS)

Notice is hereby given that the Borough Council has received the below planning application which affects a Listed Building and/or its setting AND/OR a Conservation Area AND/OR is for an application for a Major development AND/OR is for a development which does not accord with the Development Plan AND/OR is accompanied by an Environmental Statement:

  • Town & Country Planning Act 1990
  • Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
  • Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
  • Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings & Buildings in Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990
  • Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended)

Former BHS, 81 Commercial Way, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6HR. PLAN/2023/0911: Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to create a residential-led development comprising up to 272 apartments (Use Class C3) and up to 550 sq.m. of retail and commercial floorspace (Use Class E) at ground level, shared residential amenity spaces, building management facilities, plant space, refuse and cycle stores, in a building which ranges in height from a single storey ground floor (with mezzanine in the central block) to a ground floor with a maximum of 25 storeys above. Works to create new public realm within and highway works to Church Path, Church Street East, Chobham Road and Commercial Way, including alterations to and provision of new parking, servicing and delivery bays (Environmental Statement submitted).

Please note: You should be aware that the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 2000 allows anyone the right to examine and receive copies of your representations.

All documents relating to this application can be viewed online by searching the above reference number. Alternatively you can visit the Civic Offices between 9am and 4.45pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) to view them at one of our public computer terminals. A paper copy of the Environmental Statement (only) is available to view at the Civic Offices. 

Any representations should be submitted to the Head of Planning Services within 30 days from the date of this notice, quoting the application reference.



Publication date: 

Thursday, 16 November, 2023

Publication source: 

Woking News and Mail
Woking Borough Council website