NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Borough Council has received applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent, potential Departure, Major Development or which may affect a Public Right of Way or for works to trees in a Conservation Area or covered by a Tree Preservation Order.
- Boyds Farm, Murrays Lane, Byfleet, West Byfleet. PLAN/2022/1016/JS: Section 73 to vary Condition 2 (Occupants and 5 year period) of PLAN/2018/0940 (Change of use of land to 2 No. Gypsy / Traveller pitches including 2 No. mobile homes, 2 No. semi detached dayrooms, 1 No. package treatment plant, 2 No. touring caravans, hardstanding, and associated works) to vary the occupants listed and remove the time period.
- Brookwood Military Cemetery, Cemetery Pales, Brookwood, PLAN/2022/1075/BC and PLAN/2022/1076/BC: Construction of a memorial to replace the current Brookwood Military Cemetery 1914 - 1918 Memorial to allow for accommodation all of the casualty names as discovered, provide future capacity if more names are discovered and improve the biodiversity and landscaping of the site.
- St Marys Church, Church Hill, Horsell, Woking. PLAN/2022/1102/JS: Planning permission for the erection of a single storey front extension with an open canopy to the front, part two storey / part first floor extension including the raising of the ridge height and replacement roof and a glazed link between the main church building and the extension. Alterations to fenestration.
- Three Jays Nursery, Smarts Heath Road, Woking. PLAN/2022/1110JS: Change of use of the land from mixed use (agriculture and commercial) to a mixed use of agricultural, commercial and sports and the associated works to provide 5 x football pitches and permeable surfacing for additional car parking.
- R A Cross, 19 High Road, Byfleet, West Byfleet. PLAN/2022/1120/CB: Change of use from retail (Class E) to mixed retail/residential use (Class E/Class C3) including rear balcony, relocation of external staircase and fenestration alterations to create 3no flats.
NB: You should be aware that the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 2000 allows anyone the right to examine and receive copies of your representations.
Details of the application, together with submitted plans and documents, may be viewed on the Public Access database. Any representations should be submitted within 21 days from the date of this notice.
Date: 15 December 2022
Officer: Thomas James, Development Manager