A supplementary strategic document which sets out the new administration’s key priorities for the year ahead has been recommended for adoption by Council at last night’s meeting of the Executive (16 June 2022).
The Woking for all supplementary and amended priorities strategy sets out 23 key policy priorities for 2022/23 which complements the Woking for all 2022/27 strategy, adopted earlier this year.
Leader of Woking Borough Council, Cllr Ann-Marie Barker, said: “As an ambitious council, the Woking for all strategy is pivotal for navigating the critical times ahead and setting a new direction under my administration.
“It is no surprise that my administration has prioritised financial responsibility, a masterplan for Woking Town Centre, and achieving carbon neutral status as our key priorities. Underpinning these priorities is my commitment to conduct council business with openness and transparency.
“The strategy will support our focus on delivering responsible change, targeted at the areas of highest priority, and is decisive so that our actions make a difference. It will embed affordable, responsible and sustainable principles into how the Council conducts its business going forward.
“My administration is very conscious of the sharply rising cost of living and its impacts on local people. I know many are worried about what the winter will bring, how they will heat their homes and put meals on the table. We will bring the work of partners together to ensure we provide the best possible support to our residents through this difficult period. We will hold a summit in September to determine actions for the challenging winter ahead.”
The five-year Woking for all strategy was adopted by Council on Thursday 31 March 2022. It commits the local authority to a set of strategic objectives between 2022 and 2027 that give clear direction to residents, businesses, partner organisations and council staff, based around four community-based themes.
- Healthier communities
- Engaged communities
- Greener communities
- Prospering communities.
Underpinning these community-based themes is an overarching ‘high performing council’ theme which ensures the council delivers the best outcomes from its funds and assets.
The Woking for all strategy will be reviewed annually to ensure the strategic objectives remain relevant and annual priority actions to deliver the objectives are agreed and set.
The Woking for all supplementary and amended priorities strategy will now be recommended for adoption by Council during its meeting on Thursday 21 July 2022.
View a copy of the Woking for all supplementary and amended priorities strategy.