Countryside Management update


Tuesday, 12 May, 2020

Further funding for management of its countryside assets has been approved by Woking Borough Council as part of a three year implementation programme (2020/21 - 2022/23). The programme will continue to implement biodiversity-supportive management practices and follows initial works that were undertaken across its heathland sites: the Hoe Valley, Woking Park and Kingfield Pond, during 2019/20. Such works include tree veteranisation and clearance work undertaken by the Tree Clinic at Chestnut Pond, Hoe Valley.

This continuing proactive management programme will help the Council tackle threats such as the impact of climate change, invasive species and human impact. It will also continue to implement opportunities that increase biodiversity and improve access to these sites for recreation and enjoyment of the countryside. The programme will also continue to bring educational benefits, particularly around the ecological value of more sensitive sites to promote responsible use.

The Borough’s heathland sites are an example of these valuable habitats. A considerable expansion of heathland management on WBC sites has been secured through the programme so far. This is in addition to the Council's continued support for the Surrey Heathland Partnership (SHP), protecting and improving these important habitats, some of which are designated as Special Protection Area (SPA).

To find out more about the Council’s countryside management practices contact


Images: Before and after at Chestnut Pond