COVID-19 joint leaders' statement


Thursday, 16 April, 2020

In these challenging and unprecedented times, as leaders of Woking Borough Council’s parties, we have set aside our differences and stand together in our shared purpose of protecting and supporting our community during the coronavirus pandemic.

As elected members, we see first-hand the efforts being made by our own dedicated officers, Surrey County Council, NHS, police, fire and rescue services, local businesses, voluntary and charitable organisations to ensure that we continue to deliver vital services to you, our residents.

Through our community meals service we are delivering over 1,200 meals a week to vulnerable and elderly residents in need. Hundreds of welfare calls are being made each week to isolated people; our Careline service is supporting patients discharged early from hospital to remain independent in their own home; innovative solutions are supporting our rough sleepers, and those who find themselves homeless through no fault of their own.

It is essential that residents requiring support call the county-wide number on 0300 200 1008. Calls are assessed and details passed to our dedicated team to act upon quickly

The coronavirus has also severely affected our strong business community. Many have stepped up to the challenge by adapting and diversifying and, wherever possible, we are working with local businesses to support them and meet increased demand for public services. We are also administering the Government’s small business grants scheme.

These are just some of the many measures we are taking with our partners to support you and our community.

We recognise that our community, like the rest of country, has already made many sacrifices to our cherished way of normal life. Businesses asked to cease trading, schools closed and restrictions placed on our liberties. Yet these measures are in place to protect us all.

With spring upon us, it remains imperative that we all take responsibility by following government advice to socially distance and stay at home.

In an age of digital communication, it is important that we don’t forget those within our community who may not have access to the internet, such as the elderly, vulnerable or disadvantaged.

To ensure all within our diverse society has regular access to important information and news about their community, we are supporting the free weekly delivery of the Woking News and Mail to every household through our #WeAreWoking Together campaign.

This is the best way to deliver vital information to residents and keep our whole community connected. And please don’t forget, once you have read your copy, please recycle it and wash your hands.

By bringing our communities together, supporting our local businesses, we can work towards a brighter, thriving future.

For more information about council services, government and health advice, access help and support, volunteer opportunities and support for businesses including how to help your community, please visit

Cllr David Bittleston
Leader of Woking Borough Council, Conservative Party

Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
Leader, Liberal Democrats

Cllr Tahir Aziz
Leader, Labour Party

Cllr John Bond
Leader, Independent Group