First phase of multi-million pound highway improvements commences


Monday, 22 February, 2021

Two London Plane trees, located within a small triangle traffic reservation on the Guildford Road in Woking town centre, will be removed on Monday 22 February 2021.

These works form part of the £95 million Victoria Arch widening and infrastructure improvement scheme; a joint project between Woking Borough Council and Surrey County Council.

It is anticipated that the removal works will take two days to complete. During the works a small diversion route will be put in place to protect the public’s safety.

The trees will be felled to enable important utility works to be undertaken and provide space for the new two-way dual carriageway to include improved pedestrian and cycle links as part of this scheme.

The completed scheme will be complemented by landscaping including the planting of new trees and shrubs to enhance the local environment and street scene.

The Victoria Arch widening scheme will be delivered in three phases and conclude in spring 2024.

  • Acquisition and demolition of the Triangle site – currently in progress.
  • A320 highway widening and improvements – scheduled to start in summer 2021.
  • Works to enable and replace the Victoria Arch bridge – scheduled to start in summer 2021.

The Victoria Arch widening scheme is a government funded project, approved by the Secretary of State.

For more information about the Victoria Arch widening scheme, visit