Countryside management of Hoe Valley to commence


Friday, 6 December, 2019

A programme of countryside management along the Hoe Valley will commence on Monday 9 December 2019. The works will involve the selective coppicing and thinning of Willow, as well as Ash and Sycamore trees, planted as part of the flood defence scheme in 2012.

Works will begin around the ponds, helping to increase the amount of light reaching the water and banks to enrich habitats and improve overall biodiversity. It will also reveal views and enhance the landscape for the enjoyment of visitors.

Once complete, coppicing works will progress along the Hoe Stream towards Woking Leisure Centre. All works will be complete before the start of the bird nesting season.

During the works, no healthy mature trees will be felled. All works will be undertaken by local arboricultural contractor, Tree Clinic Surrey.