A show home featuring the latest disability adaptations, aids, equipment, telecare and assistive technology that supports residents to live independently in their own homes has been officially opened by the Mayor of Woking, Cllr Beryl Hunwicks (Wednesday 4 December 2019).
The Woking Independence Show Home (WISH), located within Brockhill Extra Care housing scheme in Goldsworth Park, allows people to experience different types of adaptations and assess the suitability of various aids and equipment within a residential setting.
WISH also showcases the latest smart technology allowing both older people and carers to understand how they may benefit from the latest technological advances such as voice activated heating and lighting, video doorbell and voice activated curtain rails.
Woking Safer Living and Independence Consultancy Clinic (SLICC)
Also based within WISH is the Woking Safer Living and Independence Consultancy Clinic. This joint service run by Surrey County Council Adult Social Care and Woking Borough Council enables people to discuss their mobility issues and trial equipment with a fully qualified occupational therapist.
In addition, the clinic can provide advice about home adaptations, how to adapt daily routines to increase independence and signpost to other services.
Cllr Colin Kemp, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, said: “As we get older, it’s inevitable that we need to rely on additional support to remain mobile and independent within our own home. Furthermore, we know that a well designed environment can help improve quality of life.
“By bringing disability adaptations, aids, and assistive technology together in one location, gives local residents, family members and carers a unique opportunity to discover some of the many small, simple, cost-effective changes that people can make to help them continue to live independently in their own home.”
Visits to WISH and SLICC are by appointment only. For more information, and to book your appointment, please call:
- Woking Independence Show Home: 01483 743975
- Woking Safer Living and Independence Consultancy Clinic: 01483 518859
To find out more about a variety of services that are aimed at helping you live well and independently, please visit