Statement regarding waste and recycling reporting issues


Monday, 11 January, 2021

In response to issues experienced by some residents wanting to report bin collection issues or process bookings and payments online, please read the statement below.

Cllr Kevin Davis, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Waste and Recycling, said: “On behalf of the Council, I would like to apologise for the inconvenience experienced by some of our residents when reporting their missed bin collection, renewing their garden waste collection subscription or booking bulky waste collections. This has been caused by Amey’s ongoing IT issues, and frustratingly, it is unlikely that the issue will be resolved before the end of January.

“I am, however, pleased to report that bin collections continue to operate normally.

“Amey are not currently able to take payments or make new bookings for services. This means that you can’t book a bulky waste collection, order a rubbish bin, or pay your garden waste collection service subscription by phone. No garden waste subscriptions will be cancelled, with collections continuing as normal. Once Amey’s IT problems are resolved, they will contact all subscribers to renew their subscription.

“In the meantime, residents can still report any issues by calling Amey on 03332 340978 between Monday and Friday from 8.30am to 5pm. Alternatively, residents can report a missed bin collection by visiting and we will pass the details to Amey for them to resolve."

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