People who live, work or carry out their business in Byfleet are being asked for their views on the redesignation of Byfleet Residents’ Neighbourhood Forum (BRNF).
Byfleet Residents’ Neighbourhood Forum was established as the neighbourhood forum for Byfleet in February 2014. Each designated forum lasts for a period of five years and an application has been submitted to Woking Borough Council to renew the designation for a further five years.
A neighbourhood forum is the first step towards developing a neighbourhood plan for an area. When a neighbourhood plan for Byfleet is adopted, it will sit alongside the borough's development plan documents, such as Woking Core Strategy, helping to determine the outcome of planning applications within the Byfleet area.
If redesignated, the BRNF will resume its work in producing a neighbourhood plan for the area. The objectives of the proposed BRNF are described in its constitution, attached to the application.
Copies of the application can be viewed by visiting, in person at the Civic Offices (by appointment only), or at Byfleet Community Library.
Representations should be sent by email to or by letter to Planning Policy, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL by 5pm on Friday 29 October 2021.
For further information about the application or to arrange an appointment, please contact the Planning Policy Team by calling 01483 743871 or email