Full makeover for car park at Loop Road Recreation Grounds


Wednesday, 12 September, 2018

Please note: these pages contain archived information. Whilst the details were correct when first published, they may since have 'aged' and some of the information could be out-of-date.

A new surface for the car park off Loop Road in Kingfield, has transformed the former site into an up-to-date and smooth facility that offers a more efficient use of the area for visitors. The space now boasts 75 parking bays, with four disabled bays and four cycle stands.

The previous, informal, surface was loose and uneven with severe potholes, poor surface drainage, vegetation growth and overgrown hedges. Winter conditions were particularly bad for visitors.

Cllr Colin Kemp, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Cultural Services, said: “It’s great to see the new surface at Loop Road car park in place and with clearly marked parking bays. The well used car park has a particularly high demand at weekends, with many sports and community groups using the recreation ground. Visitors parking in an informal manner and having to put up with large puddles, all added up to a very inefficient use of the space and ever increasing potholes.

“The new surface at Loop Road car park demonstrates that the Council is committed to improving the user experience of our public spaces across the Borough. We will continue to support Woking’s community groups by improving and maintaining the facilities they rely upon.”

Road speed bumps are due to be installed shortly to prevent anti-social use of the new car park.