More Masterplan roadshows announced


Monday, 26 September, 2022

Two extra roadshow events for the Woking Town Centre Masterplan have been set up to make sure everyone has the opportunity to have their say.

In response to local demand, the additional events will take place in Pyrford and Horsell, where residents can view an informative exhibition and speak with council officers about the Masterplan.

The two additional roadshows are on the following dates:

Pyrford - Thursday 29 September, 6pm to 8.30pm. Pyrford Cricket Club, Coldharbour Road, GU22 8SJ

Horsell - Tuesday 4 October, 6pm to 8.30pm. Horsell Village Hall, 117 High Street, GU21 4SS

There are just a few weeks left to have your say as the Masterplan consultation closes on Monday 17 October 2022.

View the Masterplan and submit your opinions

Cllr Ann-Marie Barker, Leader of Woking Borough Council, said: “We have seen great engagement with the Masterplan consultation so far, and are pleased to be able to offer these additional roadshows in Pyrford and Horsell so more residents can speak directly with officers and ask any questions they have about the future of Woking town centre.

“Thank you to everyone who has given us their feedback on the Masterplan already. If you haven’t yet, you have until Monday 17 October to have your voice heard and I encourage you to get involved.”

The Masterplan will establish an overarching vision for the town centre that will enable design-led, sustainable development, such as building new homes that meet the needs of residents, cultivating a thriving retail and business environment, and strengthening Woking’s cultural and leisure offer.

It sets out detailed standards and principles that deliver a shared vision for the town centre, such as building heights and density. It will provide a long-term vision of what Woking’s skyline could look like by 2030 and beyond.

Watch our video

Hear from Cllr Liam Lyons, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulation, in this short, informative video, followed by an overview of each of the 10 Masterplan themes by Giorgio Framalicco, our Strategic Director – Place.

Write to Planning Services

Residents can also email or write to Planning Policy, Woking Borough Council, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL to ask questions or provide their feedback.