Ceremony marks completion of social and affordable housing initiative


Friday, 4 November, 2022

A commemorative tree planting ceremony, led by the Mayor of Woking Cllr Saj Hussain, has marked the completion of a housing development initiative in Old Woking and Kingfield.

An Amelanchier Ballerina tree was planted in the communal garden of the recently completed final four accessible one and two bedroom apartments that will be available for social rent.

The warm, light and energy-efficient apartments feature wider internal and external doors enabling wheelchair access, adapted bath and wet rooms and private balconies. A communal lift provides convenient access to first floor apartments.

The development of 57 open market, affordable and social rented one, two, three and four bedroomed homes, sited on pockets of poorly utilised land centred around Rydens Way, has contributed towards meeting local housing need.

During the 10 year project, delivered over eight phases, properties sold on the open market have supported the delivery of homes for local residents currently awaiting social housing.

In addition to the much-needed homes, the development included major highway improvements, enhanced public transport facilities and significant environmental and open space improvements.

Cllr Ian Johnson, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “The completion of these 57 homes on poorly utilised land in Old Woking and Kingfield has provided a choice and variety of new homes that meet local housing need.

“It demonstrates how we are exploring every available opportunity to build more affordable homes that benefit local residents. I am particularly proud that these final four new council homes have been designed specifically for residents with accessibility issues.

“Our long-term collaboration with local developer, William Lacey Group, has delivered this initiative in partnership with Woking Borough Council, and has meant that many local families have been able to stay in our borough.”

Chris Lacey, Chief Executive of William Lacey Group, added: “As a local housing developer, employing local tradespeople, we are very proud of our long-term partnership with Woking Borough Council.

“These homes are a splendid example of how public and private enterprise can work together to deliver modern, highly efficient new homes in a creative partnership that has unlocked potential from under-utilised land.”

The apartments will be available to residents via the Council’s choice based lettings system, with social tenants expected to move in during the coming weeks.

Read more information about the council’s housing services

View images of the new development and tree planting ceremony