Final call to express interest in Woking’s community assets


Wednesday, 17 July, 2024

Local voluntary and community groups have until the end of the month to express an interest in taking over the running of the council’s community assets.

The process allows the council to transfer its community centres and sports pavilions to voluntary and community groups to run them for the benefit for local residents.

Organisations have until Wednesday 31 July 2024 to express their interest.

The transfers are designed to enable the council to make essential budget savings and focus its resources on delivering core statutory services, and at the same time help retain important local facilities for community use.

Currently, the council is prioritising the transfer of its four community centres (Moorcroft, Parkview, St Mary’s and The Vyne), as well as the Maybury Centre.

Work to transfer sports pavilions will commence later this year with public toilets to follow.

Read more about the CAT process and view the full list of community assets available for transfer.

Cllr Ann-Marie Barker, Leader of Woking Borough Council, said: “We have made good progress since the adoption of the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) policy earlier this year and I’d like to thank the many organisations who have already expressed an interest.

“However, we want to ensure that all interested groups have an opportunity to register their interest in taking on these facilities, and they have until the end of the month to do so.

“This is a very exciting opportunity for organisations to grow and serve their local community so please give as much information as you can in the expressions of interest form. We want to know what your vision is for the asset and what you will offer residents.

“This is also a positive step for residents as the assets now have the chance to be independently managed and retained for community use.”

Expressions of interests will be reviewed by a panel in August. Successful applicants will then be issued with an information pack about the asset and asked to submit a full business case covering their plans for its future running.

To apply for a Community Asset Transfer, submit an expression of interest by 5pm, Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Organisations with questions about the process should email